Matrix5 / Assistive Key for the Visually Impaired
Moadream, a highly valued engineering group for the visually impaired updated their previous keypad to a progressively modified new version.
Features and textures follow the function what this keypad has to be. High demands are verified by the previous users and are well developed with feedback.
Its look, astonishing, well fined, and textured design.
Curved outline design for the good palm grips, both thumbs locates to the thermal sensor on the left, triangular embossed to the other side, and the large touchpad on the middle for multi-functions.
Its usage as a phone call, Mic input, speaker, vol up-down keys, and proper size for one-handed grip, are likely the same as smartphones without a visual display. Good replacement or even better for handicaps.
For whom are blind, ‘taction’ with their hands is highly developed compared to normals. So each function key matches each various type of texture finishes and must be perceived by the user accurately.
May the new matrix lead them to more pleasure with comfort.